Half and Half

Naturally delicious


Nutrition Info per 1 oz. serving (2 Tbsp.)

· Total cal 39
· Total Fat 3.5 g
· Total Carbs 1.3 g
· PROTEIN 0.9 g
· CALCIUM 31.7 mg

Our Half and Half is it an excellent alternative to heavy cream when the desire is to lower calorie and fat content in your cooking, baking and coffee!

•  Half and half is half whole milk and half cream and typically has a 10 to 12 percent fat content.
•  Less fat than cream and more fat than milk.
•  It's great for cooking when you want something creamy and not too heavy. 
•  Use it when your recipes call for milk or cream.
•  Use it in desserts, sauces, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, mashed potatoes and special beverages that require that creamy element.  • Versatile for so many uses -  (all but for whipped cream)!

Our products contain NO antibiotics and NO growth hormones (rSBT) 

Enjoy Baker Brook Farm's Half and Half for naturally delicious and nutritious results.